Curiosity Software Release Notes

Test Modeller & Test Data Automation Release Notes - December 5th 2023

Written by Mantas Dvareckas | Dec 5, 2023 2:30:00 PM

This blog features the latest Curiosity's Modeller Cloud & Test Data Automation updates and features released on the 5th of December, including the ability to drag & drop data activities into models, upcoming data pipeline models feature, the ability to convert messages into databases and more!

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Want the latest features highlighted in this newsletter, but haven't upgraded to the latest version of Modeller? Reach out to your Curiosity representative to get upgraded. 

Want to try out Test Modeller? Speak with a Curiosity expert to get started!

Feature in Focus: Drag & Drop Data Activities into Models

We've been hard at work merging our data activities and functions with our Model editor capability.

The drag and drop ability allows you to quickly build variations of integrated data lookups and create and find much more sophisticated data with a modelled set of variations.

Modelled activities also allow you to analyse how good your data is for testing.

Check out our Data Activity Tutorials to learn more!

In this example model, each path is a different set of Lookups:

To find and import data activities into the model editor, browse the explorer, which will now have options for each data activity. You can then drag and drop the activity on to the model editor canvas.

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Data Pipeline Models

You will soon be able to use Modeller's model editor canvas to create comprehensive and integrated sets of data! Imported data can be analysed, with much more sophisticated data creation of messages and databases.

This works in combination with our data activity drag & drop feature, so you will be able to model out and chain complex sets of activities.

Convert Messages to Databases - Update

This new feature allows you to automatically convert message structures into databases, which can then be turned in to an entity relationship diagram! 

This allows you to generate very complex message structures, without losing control and understanding. Imported data can then also be analysed, using our data scanning and profiling activities.  

Smart Locators Enabled by Default

Smart Locators are an advanced element identification method integrated into Modeller. They empower testers to navigate the often complex and dynamic nature of web applications with greater ease and precision.

This feature iteratively searches for web elements using multiple locator strategies in a sequential manner, effectively running a loop over every defined locator until the element is successfully found.

Code Generation: Date in Code Template

We have added the ability to push the current date when generating test scripts.

To double-check the status of Modeller, use our status page: Modeller Cloud.

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Want to try out Modeller? Speak with a Curiosity expert to get started!