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A Curiosity Webinar

AI-accelerated development

How to build quality throughout software requirements, development and testing

Will AI add quality - or bugs - to your software delivery? Watch this webinar to see how new AI tools and techniques unite and improve requirements, create intelligent knowledge hubs for development, and generate tests that find bugs as they arise.

Is your organisation rushing to introduce AI without sufficient data to ensure its accuracy? Will AI accelerate “garbage in/garbage out” software development, where poor requirements introduce the majority of bugs, and prevent their discovery before each release?

This webinar will teach you how AI can break the cycle of bug creation, building quality into software requirements, development and testing.

AI-augmented software or "garbage in, garbage out"?

Rich Jordan and George Blundell will show you how AI automatically combines and augments disparate software requirements, generating clear system diagrams. This creates an accurate “source of truth” for AI model development, while providing clear specifications for engineering, and logical models for test generation. A live demo will show you how these new techniques for AI-accelerated development build speed and quality across the whole software delivery lifecycle, including:

Multimodal agents for requirements diagramming

See how AI combines requirements from many sources in clear specifications, with recommendations to fix gaps and bugs.

Co-pilots for development

Watch as prompts answer questions about complex systems and requirements, providing the understanding everyone needs to deliver quality.

Automated test generation

Learn how to create the smallest set of tests to “cover” changing requirements, testing continuously to find bugs early and at less cost to fix.

Key takeaways: How to apply AI for quality software delivery

By watching this webinar, you will learn AI-assisted techniques that instill quality from requirements to release. You will discover:

1. How multimodal, generative AI helps eradicate requirements ambiguities and technical debt, combining information from disparate sources and fixing incompleteness.

2. How AI-generated requirements diagrams and intelligent knowledge bases provide clear software specifications, driving accurate development and reducing bug creation.

3. How test generation creates the smallest set of tests needed to "cover" changing requirements and systems, minimising defect leakage and bug remediation costs.

Meet the speakers: Experts in AI-assisted software quality

Rich Jordan - Curiosity Software

Rich Jordan - Enterprise Solution Architect

Rich Jordan has reached over 20 years in testing and software delivery, mainly within complex financial services environments. He has been heavily involved in many enterprise transformation initiatives.

George Blundell - Curiosity Software

George Blundell - Product Manager

George implements and supports model-based, AI-assisted approaches to generating, optimizing, and maintaining rigorous automated tests and accurate requirements at large organisations.

Your next step to AI acceleration

Watch more webinars, download a free resource or, talk with an expert to learn you can embed quality throughout your software your delivery.

Transform software delivery with AI

Unlock the value of AI throughout your requirements, development and testing

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