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Webinar hosted by Curiosity

Isolating blast radiuses for testing

How to not blow up your DevOps world!

Join Rich Jordan and Toby Richardson to learn how you can divide complex architectures into “blast radiuses” that isolate the latest system changes, automatically creating virtual sandboxes and synthetic data to test them on demand.

On demand testing

Developers today swap components from systems at lightning speed - but how quickly and rigorously can you test these changes? Too often, testing relies on slow and ineffective end-to-end testing, which does not target the impact of changes and leaves systems exposed to costly bugs. Further delays arise as testing lacks sufficient understanding of the environments and data needed to test impacted components, instead waiting for out-of-date and oversized production copies. To compliment and de-risk the incremental changes made during CI/CD, testing must become capable of isolating and targeting impacted components on-the-fly, spinning up just enough data and infrastructure needed to test them.

This webinar will set out how you can componentise complex architectures into “blast radiuses” that isolate the latest system changes, automatically creating virtual sandboxes and synthetic data to test them on demand. DevOps transformation specialist, Rich Jordan, will first discuss how you can create “testing topologies” of your systems. Test data engineer, Toby Richardson, will then set out how you can automatically spin up virtual environments and data to test each cluster of components rigorously. These virtual sandboxes are “rightsized”, isolated and available on demand, enabling targeted and parallelised testing of the latest system changes.

Meet our speakers, quality experts

Rich Jordan - Curiosity Software

Rich Jordan - Enterprise Solution Architect

Rich Jordan has reached over 20 years in testing and software delivery, mainly within complex financial services environments. 

Toby Richardson - Curiosity Software

Toby Richardson - Test Data Engineer

Toby is an expert in all things test data management, and has worked with world leading enterprises to implement and develop test data solutions.

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