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A Curiosity Webinar

Perfect your test data strategy

How to achieve software quality and compliance at speed

Discover a proven roadmap for transforming enterprise test data practice. Watch now to learn how you can deliver complete and compliant data on demand, developing quality software at speed. 

This webinar will set out the components of a complete test data strategy, teaching you how you can lead your organisation to true software quality and compliance at speed. 

Is test data blocking your software delivery?

In 2024, why do enterprise test data strategies feel outdated by 30 years?

Masking and copying data supports compliance, but does nothing to solve the 20-50% of test and development time spent on data-related activity [1]. Nor does it provide the data needed to de-risk rapid software changes. Parallel tools and teams need continuous access to accurate, up-to-date test data. “Waterfall” data provisioning is killing productivity. It exposes development to costly risks and bottlenecks across your whole DevOps flow.

Ben Riley will reflect on his 10+ years’ as a test data consultant, teaching you his 3-part methodology for test data modernization at enterprise-scale. He will start with best practices for understanding your data’s relationships and sensitive contents, setting out how this allows you to then find, make and anonymize data for every test, environment and team.

Ben will then discuss automated techniques for serving this rich data on demand, before handing over to Lina Deatherage for a live demo of how she is using these Enterprise Test Data techniques at Global 2000 companies worldwide. 

[1] Industry research and Curiosity’s implementation experience has found that the average test and development team spends 20-50% of their time on data-related activities like finding data, making it, or waiting for it to become available.

3 key takeaways: Transforming your test data strategy

Lina and Ben will teach you how to identify and solve test data barriers holding your enterprise software development back. You will discover:

1. The three core pillars of an effective test data strategy, designed to unlock legislative compliance, enterprise software quality, and rapid software delivery.

2. A three-part methodology for transforming enterprise test data management, including approaches for understanding your data, making the right data, and serving it on demand.

3. How enterprises today are implementing the latest approaches in test data automation to provision complete and compliant data to every parallel test, environment, and engineer. 

Meet the speakers: Your guides to enterprise test data

Join Lina and Ben to discover the latest test data best practices, and how you can empower your organisation’s delivery pipeline to release quality software faster than ever.

Ben Riley - Curiosity Software

Ben Riley - Chief Product Officer

Ben brings over 15 years of DevOps and Continuous Testing experience, having worked worldwide to remove bottlenecks in enterprise DevOps pipelines.

Lina Deatherage - Curiosity Software

Lina Deatherage - Technical Analysts

Lina works with the world’s largest enterprises to embed quality throughout their software delivery lifecycle with the help of AI and modelling.

Step towards data quality, privacy and compliance

Watch more webinars, download a free resource or, talk with an expert to learn you can embed quality throughout your software delivery.

Right data. Right place. Right time.

Rich, compliant data that is available across the entire enterprise

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