Shorter Release Cycles
A Fortune 100 Financial Services Company
Moved from taking 1+ days to provision test data, to on demand data access.
A Global Top 10 Central Bank
One project reduced test data provisioning time by 50% and decreased costs by 70%.
A Global 2000 Financial Services Company
Replaced manual data provisioning that took up to 5 days with automated data “find and makes”.
A Global 2000 Financial Services Company
Replaced manual data provisioning that took up to 5 days with automated data “find and makes”.
Can you automate as quickly as EVERFI?
How Much Time are You Losing to Test Data?
Your test and development teams could be spending 20% of their time to data-related activities, and some research places this figure far higher. Test data bottlenecks and toil block rapid releases, while undermining parallel ways of working and true agility.
Test data providers and tools often focus on the time taken to provision data copies to non-production environments. Yet, many repetitive tasks waste even more time once unwieldy data sets have been provisioned. How much time do you test and development teams lose to test data toil?
Hunting for Data in Over-Sized Data Copies
Manually Making Missing Data Combinations
Waiting for Data in Shared Environments
Waiting for Data Refreshes and Environments
Investigating Test Failures Caused by Used Up Data
Investigating Test Failures Caused by Invalid Data
Test Data Automation Accelerates Development
These low-value activities build until they consume a substantial chunk of development time, blocking any attempt at DevOps, Continuous Delivery, or rapid software releases.
Test Data Automation moves organisations from slow data provisioning and manual conditioning, to streaming accurate data in real time. Testers, developers and automation frameworks can self-provision the data they need on demand, from full environment refreshes, to allocating exact combinations as tests run.
Real Time Test Data
A range of integrated test data activities accelerate software delivery and shorten release cycles, serving rich test data to parallel teams and frameworks on-the-fly:
Data for Test Automation and CI/CD
Automated testing, CI/CD, and “agile” ways of working demand continuous data that’s available in parallel. Otherwise, feature teams and squads wait idly for data and environments, and “parallelised” tests fail due to invalid or used-up data.
Test Data Automation provides accurate data combinations in parallel and on demand, enabling agile ways of working and scalable test automation. Test frameworks, engineers and CI/CD pipelines can all trigger automated test data activities, which resolve just in time to provide self-service data. This includes a range of activities for providing parallel data without constraints:
Eliminate Test Data Bottlenecks
A fit-for-purpose test data strategy must align with your delivery methodologies and release cyclces. Learn more in this short video from Rich Jordan: