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Parasoft and Curiosity partner!

Thomas Pryce

2 mins read

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Parasoft, the global leader in automated software testing, today announced they have partnered with Curiosity Software Ireland, specialist provider in model-based test automation. The combination of products and technologies provides a rigorous approach for testing complex chains of API calls, making it easier to navigate the speed and unpredictability of modern software delivery.

Parasoft and Curiosity Partner to make it easier to test today's complex and integrated API calls

The new partnership enables non-technical testers to quickly get a handle on automated testing

APIs provide businesses with the flexibility to innovate rapidly and deliver new offerings to market, but this brings new complexities to software testing, and it can be daunting for testers to understand all of the business rules and flow logic needed to test an organization’s APIs thoroughly. Curiosity and Parasoft have joined forces to solve this problem. Curiosity’s model-based approach to test design helps uses intuitive flowcharts that mirror the complex business logic of the organization’s APIs. The quick-to-build flowcharts, in turn, enable the auto-generation of tests and data to cover every possible scenario. Testers can then leverage these models in the Parasoft ecosystem, generating comprehensive API test scenarios and virtual services, before rapidly spinning up test environments and executing the complete test suite.

Watch a demo for Model-Based API testing:


“The logical complexity of API calls makes them perfect for the combination of model-based testing and test data management,” explained Huw Price, Managing Director of Curiosity. “The partnership between Parasoft and Curiosity introduces all of the benefits of model-based test generation to API testing. You can auto-generate the optimized test scripts, data, and virtual data needed to test APIs rigorously in-sprint, even when faced with vastly complex chains of API calls.”

The solution extends beyond API test creation. To ensure continuous delivery, test environments must support API testing agility. Parasoft’s service virtualization technology can be used to simulate components that are unstable, unavailable, or outside of the tester’s control. The integration with Curiosity enables a model-based approach to virtual service design, allowing users to define realistic service behavior and generate complete virtual data for a realistic simulated service.

“By combining forces with Curiosity, we are providing another way for testers to keep pace with development by continuing to make it easier to shift-left testing to the moment design and development begins,” said Mark Lambert, VP of Products at Parasoft. “By making it as easy as possible, integrating Curiosity’s model-based approach into the breadth of the Parasoft Continuous Quality tool suite, testers can easily generate realistic test cases and virtual services that enable the organization to deliver on the promises of Agile and DevOps.”