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“Code-Less” Test Automation for “Citizen Testers”

Mantas Dvareckas

2 mins read

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Low-code development has created a population of “Citizen Developers”enabling organizations to deliver IT solutions at incredible speeds. However, this has created a fresh challenge for test teams across organizations, who are now tasked with ensuring the release of quality, bug free apps at unprecedented speeds

Why should testers care about low-code apps?

Test teams have become encumbered as they must now test fast-flowing lowcode appsin addition to all existing business-critical systems. Low-code app testing is in turn beginning to occupy an increasing amount of testing timecalling for an efficient and automated solution to low-code app testing.

On 19th of November 2020, Curiosity joined Specialisterren and Omnext to present “Code-less” test automation for low code applications at the Netherlands Mendix Community Meetup. This Meetup introduced test automation that can match the speed of lowcode app development, enabling “Citizen Testers” to deliver apps efficiently and bug free

Testing needs to automate, but how?

The increase in low-code development presents specific testing challenges, on top of the need to move quicker than everManual test execution cannot match the speed of software delivery enabled by low-code development. So, QA teams require test automation, to reduce the risk of releasing costly bug filled applications. Ultra-short development times require ultra-fast testing.

Yet, test automation produces challenges for low-code development. Critically, test automation frameworks often depend on manual scripting, requiring skilled engineers – precisely what low-code seeks to avoid. In fact, 46% of organizations today lack the skilled engineers for test automationOrganizations which aim to use “Citizen Developers” then face a dilemma: either release buggy apps or hire test automation engineers. But how many automation engineers does an organization require keeping up with the speed of low-code development?

Effective low-code development instead requires “Citizen Testers”, capable of testing low-code apps to match the speed of “Citizen Developers”. This is exactly why Curiosity Software and Omnext have integrated Test Modeller with the Omnext Fit Test platform.Codeless test automation for low-code apps

Codeless test automation for low code apps using Test Modeller.

The key to solving the problem: “Citizen Testers”

Curiosity’s Test Modeller is a flow-based test automation tool. It matches low-code development with low-code test generation, all while retaining the flexibility of manual codingThis approach takes advantage of the skill set of “Citizen Developersempowering “Citizen Testers” to automate their own testsTogether, these Citizen Developers and Testers can deliver true quality at speed.

In this approach, The Omnext’s Fit Test Platform analyses low-code applications, automatically building a model of the application logic. These models are then converted automatically into easy-to-use visual flowcharts in Test Modellerbefore auto-generating executable test scripts with matching test data. The tests are optimized to cover all the modelled system logic, producing the smallest set of tests needed for rigorous testing.

The flow-based testing enabled by Test Modeller allows “Citizen Testers” to rigorously test fast-moving apps. In conjunction with The Omnext Fit Test platform, these testers can go from automated application scans to test execution in a few simple steps. Low-code app development can then test rigorously in short iterations, without overworking test teams.

Watch the Test Modeller code-less test automation for low-code apps demo below.



Testing to match the speed of low-code

The growth of low-code development will only increase the need for water-tight testing in short iterations. Test Modeller aims to improve the ease and speed of testing, empowering “Citizen Testers” to generate everything they need to test low-code applications.

Watch the on demand Meetup,“Code-less” test automation for low code appsto learn more about Test ModellerOmnextSpecialisterren and “Citizen Testers”.

Curiosity further Software has a library of webinars available on demand. For notifications about new and upcoming events or to learn more about Test Modeller, follow Curiosity on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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